Niko Noll

Niko Noll

Why I was extra quiet

I've been coaching 10 teams over the last

5 tips to deal with difficult stakeholders in Discovery

Wether we want to or not, stakeholder management is a

A map to help you choose your research method

That's it. You are ready, you have your

What I've learned setting up 6 Product Trios

Product Trios is a concept popularized by Teressa Torres. You

Volume beats luck and avoiding busy work

“It is remarkable to what lengths people will go to

Visualise Concepts in Product Management

Storytelling is continuously mentioned as one of the most important

How to stay organized as a PM

Taking notes is crucial for personal knowledge management. Our brains are miraculous at filtering and connecting information, but they can't always recall it in the right context. By adding meta information and category tags to notes, we can easily find what we need later.

Why You Should Speculate

tl;dr Speculation is making an educated guess. It is

Inception: Doing Discovery on Discovery

Why Read? This is a step-by-step report on how I

Discovery Dive: Document Processing

Come along to learn about how I do product discovery tactically. And learn about this new AI product segment along the way.